"Life is about growing wiser... A true student should never bypass a ready chance to learn." -Sharon Lathan, My Dearest Mr. Darcy
"Your job... is not to screen me from life so that I do not mature in wisdom." -Sharon Lathan, My Dearest Mr. Darcy
"Oh bother! Simplicity is overrated. Spirit and passion are preferential." -Sharon Lathan, My Dearest Mr. Darcy
"I suppose when one is young, one imagines that all events are etched permanently upon the mind, but time has a way of eroding some memories, or perhaps the brain can only hold a finite amount of information." -Sharon Lathan, My Dearest Mr. Darcy
"Someday's better. It's always in the future, and it's always possible." -Luanne Rice, Safe Harbor
"Kids can see inside a person better than anyone." -Luanne Rice, Safe Harbor
"No matter what mysteries we're facing, we still have to live our lives." -Luanne Rice, Safe Harbor
"It's a simple thing for a man to forget his nature, to get lost in the present and forget how he was and how he will be." -Anna Godbersen, Rumors
"I don't want to hid from danger- that's not what it means to be a man. I don't think so anyway. To look in the face of hard things and keep moving forward-that's what one has to do." -Anna Godbersen, Envy
"Life was a short window, and there was no sense in doing the wrong thing over and over even if it was so difficult to stop." -Anna Godbersen, Envy
So, there you go. I love quotes, don't you? =D Anyways, I'm still working on Evelyn Lever's Marie Antoinette: The Last Queen of France. I've got some definite opinions about it right now, so I'm pretty sure that I will do the review. However, when that'll actually be up might be a very good question. I'm not quite halfway through, yet, so it may be another week or so? Possibly. I make no promises right now. =D Anyways, I hope everyone is having a nice week! Doing anything exciting? Feel free to leave comments and such! Oh, you should also follow the blog on Twitter! I'm getting better at actually tweeting now! =D There's a link somewhere on the right side of the page! --->
So, thanks for reading!