And, just for reference, they're in the order that I found them, and quite a few of them are quotes from real people that I just read in a book. I liked them all at some point, for some reason, even if I don't remember why now. And I write the quotes down whether I liked the whole book or I didn't, so just because I have a quote down, doesn't mean I liked the book (although most of them I did like. =D). I hope that you'll read some of these and hopefully share your thoughts with me at! Enjoy!
"You don't want the best of times to be just one thing, forever. You have to have lots of bests of times, each one topping the last." -Sarah Dessen, Along for the Ride
"It's the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something's difficult to come by, you'll do that much more to make sure it's even harder- if not impossible- to lose." -Sarah Dessen, Along for the Ride
"It didn't make you noble to step away from something that wasn't working, even if you thought you were the reason for the malfunction. Especially then. It just made you a quitter. Because if you were the problem, chances were you could also be the solution. The only way to find out was to take another shot." -Sarah Dessen, Along for the Ride
"It was so easy to disown what you couldn't recognize, to keep yourself apart from things that were foreign and unsettling. The only person you can be sure to control, always, is yourself." -Sarah Dessen, Along for the Ride
"Perseverance and spirit have done wonders in all ages." -George Washington
"You can't be trapped by other people, you can only be trapped by your own fear. Defy and win." -Michael Grant, Hunger
"There are few certainties in life. Chin up!" -Sharon Lathan, Loving Mr. Darcy
"I wished to be as happy as I was at that moment. Fool that I was, I had no concept of the greater happiness in store for me." -Sharon Lathan, Loving Mr. Darcy
"Life is not flawless, no matter how close one may obtain excellence." -Sharon Lathan, Loving Mr. Darcy
"We learned our lessons via grievous methods, but we did learn them." -Sharon Lathan, Loving Mr. Darcy
"It is time- more than time- to reflect and construct a better way of life. You are getting older and you no longer have the excuse of youth." -Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II
"I've seen everything, known everything, and forgotten everything." -Marie Antoinette
"Prudence, patience are my lot. Above all, courage." -Marie Antoinette
"It is in misfortune that you realize your true nature." -Marie Antoinette
"I had friends; the idea of being separated from them forever, and their sufferings as a result, are one of the greatest regrets I take with me to my death; they should know that at the last moment I think of them." -Marie Antoinette
"It's vital to keep a sense of humor when the world seems to have suddenly become a very strange place." -Michael Grant, Gone
"No man knows til he suffered from the night how sweet and how dear to his heart and eye the morning can be." -Bram Stoker, Dracula
"I've given lots of people chances.... But there's only so much faith you can have in people." -Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
"I wondered again why the right thing always seemed to be met with so much resistance, when you'd think it would be the easier path. You had to fight to be virtuous..." -Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
"You can't just plan a moment when things get back on track, just as you can't plan the moment you lose your way in the first place." -Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You
"I was beginning to see, though, that the unknown wasn't always the greatest thing to fear. The people who know you best can be riskier, because the words they say and the things they think have the potential to be not only scary but true, as well." -Sarah Dessen, Just Listen
"I mean, when you really thing about it, music is the great uniter. An incredible force. Something that people who differ on everything and anything else can have in common." -Sarah Dessen, Just Listen
"And as to our destinies, yours and mine, we must simply do the best we can from day to day, and not think too much about tragedies." -Carolly Erickson, The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette
"A lot of people mistook ignorance for stupidity, and knowingness for intelligence." -Michael Lewis, The Blind Side
"...He actually believed that to be light of heart is the same as being light of head." -Kathryn Davis, Versailles
So, I definitely didn't realize that there were so many Marie Antoinette quotes, because I didn't really read that many books about her recently (besides the one I'm reading right now). I guess I managed to lose my notebook and forgot about it as well, (and therefore didn't write in it) because I'm smart like that. =D So, again, feel free to email me with comments, book suggestions, ect. at Next time I post quotes, there definitely won't be as many, because this is around 6 or 7 months worth of them, and I'll only be doing two month's worth from now on.
Anyways, thanks for reading!
How cool! I don't think I have ever been quoted before! Thanks, Kristi. I am delighted that you enjoyed my novel and appreciate the mention. Carry on! Sincerely, Sharon Lathan
If you are enjoying "the hidden diary of marie antoinette" by carolly erickson (i just finished it)then you may enjoy "to the scaffold" by the same author its more a historical recount rather than a fictionalized journal.:)
@Anonymous: Thanks for the suggestion! That's actually been on my wishlist for a while now (I swear, everything about Marie Antoinette ends up there eventually. =D), but alas, I don't have any money. =C But I'll definitely read it eventually. I'm really excited to see how the two compare to each other.
If you did like "The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette", then I'm sure you'll love "Abundance" by Sena Jeter Naslund. That's my favorite historical fiction novel about M.A. =D
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